According to this and Senator Allen's office, it's done. The legislation had already passed the Senate, so it isn't going to be voted on again. Now, the president just has to sign it. I can't imagine he won't, though I will be relieved when the ink is on it.
ASA Applauds the House Passage of the Combating Autism Act
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Legislation Provides Nearly $1 Billion in Additional Funding for Autism Research and Education
The Autism Society of America (ASA) commends the U.S. House of Representatives for its passage today of S. 843, the Combating Autism Act. This critical legislation authorizes nearly $1 billion through 2011 in federal funding for autism-related research, early detection and intervention.
“ASA applauds Chairman Joe Barton, Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Leader John Boehner, and our countless supporters in the House of Representatives for their work on the Combating Autism Act,” said Lee Grossman, ASA President and CEO. “We welcome the federal leadership on this national health crisis, and look forward to working together to effect dramatic change.”
S. 843, authored by Sens. Santorum and Dodd, first passed in the Senate on August 3, 2006. The legislation contains many important provisions to strengthen autism research and diagnostics, including a renewed investment to track the incidence and prevalence of autism spectrum disorder; to increase public awareness of early identification; promote the use of evidence-based interventions for those at higher risk for autism; and establish state-level clearinghouses for information on autism. For the first time, this legislation also calls for culturally competent information on autism.
“Autism has been neglected for far too long,” continued Grossman. “Thanks to the Combating Autism Act, federal agencies will have the resources they need to coordinate autism policy and to develop better diagnostics, treatments, and interventions.” ASA commends the hard work of its members and parents nationwide, who mobilized tens of thousands of emails, letters and press coverage to convince Congress of the importance of supporting this bill before convening.
In addition to the Combating Autism Act, ASA has partnered with many disability associations this year to ask Congress to support important legislation providing needed healthcare and respite services for the autism community. “This is only the beginning of our commitment to ensure that the federal funding is spent wisely and, in the most effective way,” said Jeff Sell, ASA Director of Chapters and Membership. ASA will work actively on the Hill in the 110th Congress to ensure further legislation for autism services and environmental health.