I am typing this while Jim is outside with Jacob. Fireworks were never Jimmy's scene. He has had a pretty rough day - but that, I mean we have had a rough day. A few, actually. I finally switched the boys of Kaiser Permenente as of July 1. That was such a bad scene, with all the hoops to jump through - the referrals, the waits, the lack of coverage, driving to Woodbridge or Falls Church for an emergency appointment. A huge pain. HMOs are great if there is nothing wrong with you. Obviously, not the case here.
We ran out of Jimmy's Catapres three days ago - Jimmy takes it to sleep. Without it, he hasn't. So Jacob can sleep, he has been bunking with us, but I have literally been awakened by Jimmy jumping on my ribs at 2 a.m. Tomorrow was the soonest we could get in with his new pediatrican, so we go in the afternoon. I am hoping the doctor will just write the script. If he is willing to writing something for the hyperactivity, it would such a gift right now!
That was one of the biggest problems with Kaiser - they were very hands off when it came to the autism stuff. The doctor wasn't able to perscribe anything to treat the symptoms/behavioral elements of autism. We had to go through the developmental pediatrican, who is impossible to get a returned call or e-mail from. He must be on Mars for vacation, because he hasn't responded at all this week - I was trying to get this filled before the switch, so there wouldn't be any interruption in his medication. Didn't work - Kaiser didn't help, Dr. Conlon disappeared. I am just exhausted and miserable at this point.
I can see the fireworks from my window. I have always loved them. At least I used to... it's a little pleasure that I feel like I have lost because I can't share them with Jimmy. They are just so loud for him - it's terrifying. I know it is corny, but it makes me sad that we can't be out there as a family, with everyone else.
Hey, at least he loves Christmas. We still have that.