I can't believe it has been six years! I remember waking up after crashing from exhausting post C-section and looking at him in the bassinet next to me. I beat myself up over missing the first five hours of his life. Little did I know how much I would need the extra sleep.
After I was done teaching summer school today, I picked up a sheet cake and took it to his Extended Care program at Costello Park. His therapist brought him down. Forty kids sang "Happy Birthday" to him. It was fantastic! I love the kid so much, my heart is just ready to burst most of the time. Maybe because he doesn't talk back, I don't feel as constantly frustrated with him. Maybe it's because my heart is somehow even softer to him, simply because of the need I have to protect him, that he doesn't function in the world completely on his own. I just love him to pieces. I have since the first day - you know, the one where I found out I was pregnant - and I haven't stopped. Yeah, the ride has been bumpy, but he is amazing!
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