Sunday, December 30, 2007
New Year, New You
W is for Worksheet
Christmas Break Winding Down
Friday, December 28, 2007
A nice day
My husband has left the building...

Welcome to the ride...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Autistic Kids - The Sibling Problem
A positive sign
I feel like poo...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Pantless at McDonalds
Autism is priceless...
An Interview with Jamie Lynn
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Good Morning...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
On the first day of Christmas...
Shortly after we arrived home, Uncle Mark arrived. It had been awhile since he had been for a visit, which went fairly well. Except for Jimmy peeing in his cup... he was shifting around as I went to try to get him to the bathroom. Just leaked right there, as he was drinking his medicine (I have never seen anyone move as fast as Mark did to get out of the way.) So Jimmy used his cup... I can feel you cringe, but this is my life. It's why my house doesn't really get clean or neat - I can barely stay ahead of putting out the fires. It's an effort just to get him to keep his pants on at home. Unless you are living it, it is so hard to understand what we go through.
Yeah, I wish that it had been the perfect visit, but I can't knock it - the husband made prime rib for dinner. The food was great. The boys each got a present early as Mark opened his, so Jimmy got his little Padme and Anakin action figures for his Galactic Heroes set. Rosa, their old sitter, dropped by with gifts for them as well. They both were very happy to see her as well.
Tomorrow is another packed day. We have therapy for Jimmy in the morning, a visit with Auntie D in the afternoon, and I am planning to Jacob to a kids church service here in town tomorrow night. Hopefully I can fold some of the clean clothes in the basement and put a dent in the loads of work I have to do over the break. I get the feeling it will be over before I know it.
Friday, December 21, 2007
For those keeping track of the car saga...
A Needed Break...
Monday, December 17, 2007
Autism Study Lends Credence to 'Fever Effect'
Then a couple of years ago, Jackson got sick. His mother, Rene Craft, says he was running a high fever.
"He was lying in our bed, and he was recovering," Craft says. "And he said out of the blue, 'I like the sheets, Daddy. They're really comfortable.' And then later that day he looked out the window and he said, 'Oh, it's raining, and squirrels eat nuts."
Craft says that she and her husband got a brief glimpse of a son who had been locked in his own world of autism. Then the fever went away, and so did Jackson's improvement."
This is an interesting article. Thanks to Edwin for sending it to me. I am going to go to bed finally. Maybe I will dream about what he would say to me if he could. He has thoughts, ideas, even a sense of humor and its all locked up inside. I long for a day when it will all come out.
Autism, Welcome to My Inner Circle...
We got a Christmas card from a couple we have know for years - someone my husband worked with in the comics industry. Taking you back... he, an incredible creative individual in many ways, got engaged and married this wonderful woman. We hung out a bit, until we started having kids. Then it got a little harder. I think as Jimmy's problems became more obvious, we both started to shut people we had known in the past. I had my friends from Mason, women who having been walking this road with me since the day autism entered my vocabulary. The husband has been sort of walking alone. Both of us found our paths easier than constantly having to explain or apologize for what has happened with our son. I will freely admit that I have shut my own family out to some degree, just because it hurts too much to have explain or defend or justify.
At any rate, eventually they moved away and we didn't stay in touch. In part for the reasons above, but also because regular old life has kept us extremely busy. Today, their family Christmas letter revealed that their son had recently gotten a spectrum diagnosis. The husband is crushed, but I am just shocked. I think maybe we collectively have 50 people that we consider friends between the two of us. Relationships are hard to maintain in adulthood in the best of circumstances. These are the people who we manage and even work at staying in touch with, even if we don't get to see them the way we would like or should. People he knew from his store, people I knew from grad school or my job, people we know now. Of those 50 people, not one had a child with autism or anywhere on the spectrum, save us. Until now.
By my estimation, that isn't 1 in 150. That's 1 in 100. The activist in me would really like to know how many kids it takes to make autism a national emergency, so people are motivated to find a cause, a treatment, and a cure. So kids like mine can speak and interact and live a more normal life. So families don't feel like they have to hide or apologize because their child doesn't act like his or her peers. How many kids and how many families have to suffer before the rest of the world cares or acts? Or does it have to strike everyone's inner circle first?
Friday, December 14, 2007
One more week...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A follow up e-mail...

The left side seemed to have worked with last round, so this focused on the right.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Date Night
Monday, December 10, 2007
Freaking hysterical...
A sick kid...
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Buying stock in Jif
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Meeting with Jimmy's Teacher
Allison is amazing. It is her first year teaching, yet that doesn't scare me. I think initially she was overwhelmed, but this is now her life and passion. I honestly think she wouldn't have it any other way. It can be so hard to be Jimmy's mom sometimes - I carried that boy inside me for nine months. I have loved him more fiercely than I have loved anyone in my life. I need to know the people who I turn him over too for so much of the day love and believe in him.
I have always felt that Mr. Booty (the instructional assistant) believes him and now I know Allison does too. I am thrilled. She is anxious to continue consult and working with his therapists, which I think is great. I walked out of there for the first time this year really confident in his school situation. That helps me get through everything else I have to do with my day personally and professionally. It's huge.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
How to spend your snowy evening? Posting your husband's resume on,, and Am I good or what?
Please let there be a two hour delay tomorrow morning!