Back in May, my dad and stepmom went to Texas to watch my sister's kids for a weekend while Becky went to a wedding in New Orleans. Most people, when they go out of town, bring home a t-shirt as a souvenir. My dad, being clinically insane, bought a house. About ten minutes away from sister. I have such mixed emotions about it.
I went to California to visit them the month before, in April. I knew possibly retiring to Texas was in the discussion stages and it didn't bother me, but it certainly wasn't reality. Having grown up in California, it was nice to have an excuse to go visit. My best friend from high school and my best friend post-high school both make their homes in the Bay Area and have for a long time. The reality of two small children has kept me unable from going out west as much as I would like to, especially when I have a sister in Seattle that I don't get to see at all and the one in Texas who I don't see all that much either. Having Dad in Sacramento gave me a legitimate excuse to travel a bit more out that way. With him gone, I don't know when I will make it out again to see my friends. Sort of a bummer.
Then again, Texas cuts the plane time in half. Those were some long flights out and back, with Jacob screaming pretty much the whole way coming and going. You know, I hated those children and parents when I was single and flying. Wow, that bit me in the ass, huh?
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