Well, my little boy is turning four on Monday. I cannot believe that this has all gone by so quickly. I still baby him, for all the obvious reasons. Chronologically, he is four, but his developmental delays make him seem a year younger most of the time. I kind of hold on to that a bit. He still likes Thomas the Train, Elmo, and Boohbahs. He hasn't moved on to Power Rangers, which is nice. Childhood in many respects moves by so quickly. In many ways, it has been extended for him.
I still face having him one year away from kindergarden, wondering if he will make enough progress this year to succeed when he does go. I'll keep him out an extra year if he isn't ready. I have already felt a little bit of pressure from some quarters to promote him no matter what. In this case, I am pretty confident in that my instincts will probably be right when the time comes to make the decision. I honestly believe that no matter how hard this all seems right now, that Jimmy's going to grow up and be okay. May be harder to marry off, but he go to college. The way his brain seems to work, it will probably be MIT!

So happy birthday, baby!
You have come a long way!!!!
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