It is with great sadness that I announce the death of my 2001 Ford Focus wagon. It was taken from us prematurely by a person who failed to slow for stopped traffic. This is the second time in a month that we have been rear ending in stopped traffic by someone who seemed to be talking on a cell phone at the time of impact. The first one was a $550 repair bill for a slow speed impact in Jim's car when we came back from Texas. This impact was not at a slow speed from what Jim told me. In this case, the driver was cited by Fairfax County Police. My car was pushed into the vehicle in front of it, so there is front and rear damage as well as airbag deployment. I think the bill from this will more than likely total me out. Jim and Jacob were on their way to meet Jim Sr. for a train show at the Dulles Expo. As you can tell from the photo, Jim was hurt - he has a burn from the airbag deployment as well as a sore back and neck. Jacob seems okay, but he is sore as well. He was scared crapless when the airbag deployed. Both went to the emergency room and both will be going to the doctor again this week. It could have been so much worse, though, but it makes me sick that they hurt and had to go through something like this.
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