Friday, August 24, 2007

Okay, okay

Yes, I am still alive. I have been overwhelmed with life and work, especially some things that are going on on-the-job. But I am still here.

We have a nice visit on the Hill with one of Congressman Wolf's LAs. She knew very little about autism, so for an hour I shared with her my experiences with Jimmy. We had to keep off the Mr. Wolf's desk, so eventually we let him watch TV. He had a very nice flat screen in his office, where Jimmy watched Sagwa and Barney. I asked her several questions about the Combating Autism Act and the money from it. I hope she tracks down an answer, those I know that the wheels on the Hill grind very slowly. It was gratifying to just get time with someone like that.

I couldn't get him not to squint, but at least he looked at the camera.

We have our rescheduled doctor's appointment today for Jimmy. I got a note in the mail confirming the appointment for Rockville. Since I was told that it was definitely Fairfax, I was concerned. So I called the doctor's office. She breathlessly called back to tell me that there was a glitch and that all of the doctor's patients were scheduled into Rockville by mistake and it was indeed Fairfax. I was the only person to pick up on it, so she had to now call all his patients to clarify. My good deed for the day. Apparently, however, Children's Hospital's office manager is Howdy Doody. I have not been in a single department there where the office wasn't a mess.


It's Just Me said...

Thank you. I want to be you when I grow up.

Rachel said...

No you don't... I just had to cancel on a therapist because I had double books with the doctor. My schedule is so crazy, I can't keep it straight.