Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Looking forward with a lot of fear...

So, of the big three offices in the state, not a one got a supporter of autism insurance mandates. I think this is going to be a scary ride for kids like my son. I hope not, but I think it will be. I am kind of glad Jackson Miller stayed in. In spite of my insecure, spun up criticism of his actions on HB1588, I do respect him cosponsoring the bill. He has told me so many time that he is a moderate Republican and maybe he is what is need there, now more than ever.

As I take the last steps to get on the DD waivers waitlist, get my school services yanked, and worry about how long I will keep the help I have, I feel like I ride a roller coaster of great report cards and even greater fears. It would be one thing if those fears were unfounded or figments of the imagination, but they aren't. Families of autistic kids worry and struggle and walk a tightrope every single day. Our situation isn't unique - it's standard. And it shouldn't be.


Chuck said...

"So, of the big three offices in the state, not a one got a supporter of autism insurance mandates."

No one supported it under Kaine's administration, so nothing has changed.

Rachel said...

Point well taken... oh my goodness, the time I wasted trying talk to Kaine's office. Deeds quoted the lobbyist line when I met him, but I liked Wagner. She was supportive. That was disappointing.

Rachel said...

Disappointing... her loss, I mean. Back to stirring spaghetti sauce...