Wednesday, September 23, 2009

John Travolta Acknowledges Late Son's Autism

John Travolta acknowledged his son's autism in his testimony in a Jamaican extortion trial today. I have been really critical of Scientology in the past, especially Tom Cruise's comments on medication and the collective ignorance of developmental disorders. I have been critical of Travolta for not acknowledging what was rumbled about in autism circles for years.

Not that it matters for anything, but I feel badly about my insensitivity. He may be a celebrity, but he was a person first, making the best decisions he could for his child. It's what we all do. I just found it completely frustrating the thought that the existence of this disorder, this disability was even in doubt among Scientologists. Day in, day out, it is very real to those of us raising kids. The neurologists, developmental pediatrician, therapist, medications - it doesn't stop. It is life, 24/7.

I think Mr. Travolta's acknowledgment of his son's diagnosis will likely raise the profile of autism yet again. I hope he will lend his name and energy to helping Jimmy and other children and adults with autism. But most of all, I wish him and his family peace and healing, because losing a child is a pain no one should have to endure.

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