Saturday, June 19, 2010

She's back...

It's been a long two months...

School's out for the boys and all but over for me.  I think I have avoided this blog because I have just been overwhelmed emotionally.  We got the gift of a week overseas (my first) for our tenth anniversary and all of the sudden, it was, get your passport, get your affairs, in order, you are getting on a plane that goes over the ocean.  I panicked.  I think the reality of 40 hit too. My mortality hit me like a brick and I was in a two month tailspin.  Work and school board were only diversionary to the anxiety that has consumed me.  Even though I have a little part time job doing some clerical stuff at the high school while Jimmy is in summer school and Jacob is in camp, I feel like the pressure is off.  Time isn't moving so quickly.  I can deal again.  I am not as raw a nerve. 

Katie, the middle of the niece's, is coming to help me this week - with the cat, she brings the estrogren level into balance in the house.  It's nice.  I pick her up in a couple of hours. 

So with summer upon us, IEPs completed, Jimmy is now a third grade, Jacob is moving into the first, and my blog is back.

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