Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tea Party Member Sharron Angle Against Autism Insurance Coverage

I was sort of shocked when I heard her comments.  To say she comes of as ill informed is an understatement.  Doesn't want to pay for babies?  What's next, cancer?  She doesn't understand how insurance works on a basic level.  Moreover, she completely lacks compassion for autistic families in her comments.  Her backpedalling makes her worse.  I actually talked to someone from her campaign to see if they could clarify her comment or put them in a context where they would make some sense.  While I found it completely kind of her campaign worker to take the time to call, the staffer could not articulate any sort of reason for those comments.  He mentioned pregnancy and autism, which means he didn't have a grasp of what she said either.  Click the link to watch the ABC news story.

In a perfect world, nobody would want their kids to be political pawns.  But when the tea party holds autistic kids up and mandates are wrong, I will get involved.  My aunt, uncle, and a man whom I have known for 30 years all live in the Las Vegas area and all are voters in that election.  I will be making some phone calls.  These are voters that don't have autistic kids of their own but who love Jimmy and I.  I think my calls to them will make a difference in their votes on November 2.  (After Richard Saslaw and Tim Kaine, I also hang up on Democratic fundraisers - I have no use for them either.)

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Just read the story of you and Jimmy (link on the right), and then I re-read what you posted today. You are a real role model and must be a tremendous mother. Good for you for standing up. When we allow people like Angle to decide who is worthy of receiving treatment and who is not, then we are surely on our way to hell.