Saturday, January 22, 2011

ADHD has joined Autism...

At my house.  Jacob was diagnosed a few days ago.  I met with the school to see where we stood and while it impacts his behavior,  it isn't negatively impacting his performance.  He started first grade reading at a high first/low second grade level, according to their benchmarks.  Now, it's fourth grade.  Crazy!  He is working on second grade math.  So I truly have the opposite ends of the spectrum now.  All over his IEP are the words, "This child needs to be challenged academically."  Mercifully, they didn't add "Idle hands are the devil's workshop and if you leave this one alone, he will play with matches out of sheer boredom."  The implication is there.  If he gets bored, he will get in troubles.

Hands full.  Officially.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Oh my, your hands were full to begin with! Sending good thoughts your way. I have a child with ADHD (among other things), and it is a challenge.