Thursday, June 15, 2006

Jimmy's Birthday

Since we are about six weeks out from the big 5, I have been suitably agonizing about it. I have been working on a gift list, all books, to send to the grandparents and far away family. Books make him happiest. I only have about ten so far (click the post title for the current list on Amazon), so if my friends in library land have any ideas or recommendations, post them or e-mail me. We are pretty full on Seuss and he loves vivid illustrations and any manner of animal. I could also use some good social story books to help with transition, if anyone can recommend some.

As far as the party, I have finally decided to have one. I was unsure of who his friends are there, aside from one little boy. Mia, his former and Jacob's current teacher, assured me that he has friends and she would help with the guest list. I think we are going to keep it simple and do Burger King in Centreville again. We are opted to do Sesame Place (the original idea for the 5th) with him the first weekend after school begins. It should be less crowded. Last Saturday in July - keep it free people!!!

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