Sunday, December 03, 2006

A trip to the doctor

I took Jimmy to the doctor on Friday. His stools are very loose. They always have been, but it is to the point where it interfers with finishing potty training. His therapist mentioned yeast - he is prone to those yeasty rashes and his poo smells funny. Found out that our doctor isn't a big fan of the yeast theory, but asked us to switch to lactose-free milk and did a full panel of allergy and some gastrointestinal blood work. It took four people to hold him down to take six tubes of blood. I felt like the worst person on the planet. He didn't have an accident, so I believe he was trying to say the one thing he knew should let him escape - He screamed "I want pee pee on potty" the whole time. It would have been comical, if he wasn't so upset. We will see what it come back with.

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