Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Great Flu Vaccine Debate

Well, this week I get my flu shot. I am getting it at work, so I am fairly certain that I am getting the multidose with thimerosal. They have started the local shot clinics at the mall, but Jimmy will get the single dose at his doctor... without thimerosal. Jacob is what I am agonizing over now. I want him to get the vaccine, but I won't let him get his dose until I have mine and see if I have a reaction. Then I will decide where and when to get his. I can't believe I am agonizing over this as much as I am. I don't believe Jimmy's vaccine load caused autism in him. But I can't shake all the information/propaganda I am exposed to as part of this community. My niece in Texas has already had swine flu... she is recovering nicely and returning to school on Monday. But I still fear this particular virus. I am just starting to fear the vaccine too.

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