Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Dancing in Isolation

A title of an old song I liked... but also how I feel so much of the time right now.  I don't know if it is really or depression is just a cruel mistress, but I am struggling right now with my place in the world right now.  

I found a great entry in a blog with an introductory paragraph that I completely identify with...

"Even the most social parents may have difficulty maintaining prior friendships after their child is diagnosed with autism.   As I think back on my journey, it is not that hard to see how the isolation insidiously crept into my life.  Looking at the nature of friendships, it is painfully clear how isolation can develop after your child is diagnosed with autism."

I feel lost a great deal of time, that I don't really have a place in the world other than as mother to my children.  That's not good.  Yet I am completely unsure how to move forward.  To compound things, I am clinging to a friendship that isn't completely healthy for me.  I am just down and frustrated.  I am hoping time to regroup with the end of the school year.  

1 comment:

Katherine said...

OMG I think you're in my head! I'm in that stuck place as well. My kids don't have autism, but they both have special needs of their own, and even though they are now high school aged, their needs have to come first, which of course limits what I can do independently. I used to think I could work full-time outside the home and still do what I needed to do, but that was a sad illusion. All that did is make me insane(r) when I already have to deal with depression and anxiety. There has to be a balance somewhere, but where is it? Thank you for posting this and making ME feel less alone. I hope you get what you need, Rachel.