Monday, November 14, 2005

A Fairly Big Week

I have an assignment due tomorrow and I have to give a booktalk on The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Poeple on Wednesday, and an IEP and Occupational Therapy eligibility meeting on Thursday. Friday I have time on my practicum, then I race home to clean for my mother-in-law, who is coming on Saturday. Jim and Jimmy are going to New York to see his ailing grandfather with his dad, leaving me with Jake and his mom. At least she can watch him Saturday when I go meet Dr. Cortez for lunch with my DE group. I think I am going to be going on breakneck speed until December 8th, which is the day my portfolio is due. I have so much to do over the next several weeks. Ugh...

1 comment:

Tom said...

Oh my!! That schedule made me stressed!!! Good luck to you, you are certainly not a lazy person!! We just had my daughters IEP, it wasn't as impressive as ones in the past. We are working with a new teacher and she isn't very organized and I just don't feel the love. It's hard not to compare against previous teachers. The laugh and giggle too much about my daughters situation. I guess its because she is so cute but the fact is, a 5 year shouldn't be wetting her pants still. And its the first time we heard my daughter described as "cranky".