Monday, April 17, 2006

Potty Training, Here We Come

As I continue to work on my last weeks of school, I am now researching my summer project - potty training! We are going broke having two in diapers. Jacob is ready and having some success at daycare. Jimmy physiologically is ready, but the communication piece is still missing. But he understands - he takes his diapers off as he wets them and wants a clean one right away. I went to the Talk About Curing Autism website and found some great guidelines. I will start incorporating them in the next week or two. The challenge will be getting some consistency in all three environments, but I am optimistic. If I get him potty trained, I have more (re: less expensive) options for afterschool day care next year!!! Between diapers and daycare, I could save $200 a month if I can get both kids trained!

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