Saturday, January 06, 2007

An Interview with Jacob

Yes, I am still behind... It's been a whirlwind of a week. I sat for the VCLA exam this morning. It's a professional assessment. I hope I did well - it was definitely easier than the GRE. No math. A good thing since I haven't seen the inside of a math classroom since 1987.

Jacob said he wanted to talk in this post. So here goes...

So, it's January 6th and 70 degrees out. Enjoying the weather?


Can today be attributed to global warming?


I know the ladies like you, but you have a special girl these days?


Who is she?


Going for the married women these days, I see. Do you think her husband will be jealous?

He's John.

Will John be jealous?


Jacob, why did you just dump the Ritz Bits on the floor?

Because I was putting them out.

Do you think you can put them away?


More with Jacob later, after he picks up the Ritz Bits.

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