Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happiest in the water...

So I got a call from extended care, saying that the couldn't find Jimmy's swimsuit and they were headed for the pool in five minutes. Since it was just about the lunch hour, I ran home, found his suit, and met the van over at the pool. My plan was to chaperone these trips throughout the summer, so I could have some quality time with him while he interacted with his friends. Plus, I am nervous having him somewhere like that without me. But I knew a trip to the pool would thrill him, so I got him changed in the bathroom with Ms. W and went back to work.

When I went to pick him up at 4, his van was pulling up. He was the first group to go over, but part of the last one to return. He was having such a good time that no one wanted to bring him back. I am glad they were so thoughtful and he had such a good day.

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