Friday, July 17, 2009

Vacation over...

We have returned home from our vacation. The change of venue was probably the most stressful ever, with Jimmy running out the door towards the parking lot at one point. He really wanted no part of it. He had a two hour crying jag on Wednesday night. Thursday went fairly well, but it became this debate as to whether he slept with us or if I stayed up all night. After Jimmy's run, we literally barricaded ourselves in the timeshare, stacking chairs and the table against the door so he couldn't make another break for it. There was no internet, so Jimmy didn't have his YouTube. I had my lap top on the off chance that Bryce somehow got wireless and to play DVDs. To Jimmy, it was a representation of his frustration. He would just sit in front of it and tantrum. We enjoy it out there, but it wasn't working for Jimmy. So we are back...

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