Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What Happens When Autistic Children Become Adults

From the Autism Learning Felt blog. What is most stunning in this entry, in one Florida survey, 74% of autistic adults want to work, but only 19% have the opportunity. The government and communities aren't looking ahead to the future for these kids. Parents... we are just trying to manage the day to day. It also mentioned that ugly institutionalization word again. No job, no group home apparently. I don't want an institutionalized life for my son. He deserves more. I want more. I didn't bring him into to the world for this.


Chuck said...

Current democratic governor Kaine would highly disagree with you and wants to put your money where his mouth is.

The 2010-2012 Budget Proposal:

On Friday, December 18, 2009, Governor Kaine released his budget proposal for the 2010-2012 Biennium, as well as his amendments to the budget for the current fiscal year, FY09. These budget proposals contain many devastating cuts to services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Over $100 million in services for people on the ID and IFDDS Waiver waiting lists is proposed to be cut (1,000 ID Waivers and 134 IFDDS Waivers eliminated/postponed). The elimination/reduction of services across all HCBS Waivers totals more than $270 million.

At the same time as this proposed dismantling of community-based supports, the current administration is continuing plans to rebuild a NEW, 75-bed, state-operated institution in Chesapeake, VA.

Rachel said...

This does not surprise me and I am hoping that incoming Governor Bob McDonnell shows more compassion towards families like mine. Moreover, when the DNC has been calling my house for fundraising, I have been hanging up on them. I can't believe he is in charge now.

We are like 800-something on the IFDDS waiting list. It's going to be a long wait.