Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ah, June...

Another Sunday begins another week.  Three weeks left of school.  I am sort of relieved as I need a break and have much to do to try to find my garage in the sea of boxes from last year's move.  I worry about Jimmy - I think the transition away from school will be a lot.  His classmate is gone and I think he knows Miss Harris isn't coming back.  Not only that, two of his IAs are moving on to other classrooms, which is going to be a complete disruption for him.  I am four months away from September and I am already fearing disaster.  He is also showing some severe OCD traits right now, so we likely have a medication change on the near horizon.

On the upside, he has much to engage him this summer.  Summer school and extended care in addition to therapy.  Swim lessons through a friend, a crucial skill for him.  I am just hoping I can keep him on an even keel for everyone's sanity.

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