Tuesday, February 09, 2010

A Response to a Friend's Facebook Post...

It sort of nicely sums up how I feel about the whole Rahm Emanuel flap...

"And I would like to say Sarah Palin is a complete hypocrite for saying that it is okay for Rush Limbaugh to use the word, categorizing his use as satire. Who cares? My son is autistic and he is eight - yes, I have heard the word applied to him and it crushes you. For about thirty seconds, then you attack. I have never taken it lying down. Sarah Palin owes my son an apology, as does Rahm Emanuel and Rush Limbaugh."

I don't think I will ever get it from any of the three of them as they are all too arrogant for their own good.  No one can justify using that slur, whether it be personally or defend someone of a similar political affiliation of doing so.

More tomorrow.  I just realized again I haven't posted in a week.  Never have I been so busy doing so little.

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