Monday, August 01, 2005

Volcanic Eruptions

Jake's home sick. Both Jimmy and Jake were under the weather when they got up yesterday morning, but Jake has just puked everywhere since lunch yesterday. I have managed to keep him off the new couch, but that is probably the only surface of the first floor that he has not annointed. Poor thing. I have changed clothes about six times in the past twenty four hours and showered several times - I still think I reek of puke. I work until 8 tonight, but I am going to run home, take care of the baby, clean up the house, and do laundry. But before I can go home, I have to find some children's Tylenol in suppository form for Jake and administer it to him. Joy. Oh, and it is the last week of summer session, so I have lots of work do. I lost a whole day of reading yesterday to taking care of the kids, so I now have to finish one book, read three more, write a book talk and four reader responses. Fortunately it's young adult lit, so they are quick reads, but it is still a pain. Until about a week ago, I was ahead on the reading. And now it has all fallen apart.

More tomorrow, when I hopefully have less to do.

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