Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Well, I went to Jimmy's conference. They have actually moved him back on an academic track, starting him in the first grade math and reading books. He's gets one-on-one instruction, so he is doing pretty well. His PALS scores are sort of funny. There are three elements to the score - spelling, pre-primer word list, and letter sounds. Even though I have 100% spelling tests on the fridge from last year, he refused to spell anything for the assessment. He got 15 out of 20 on the pre-primer word list and 25 on the letter sounds - he wouldn't give the sound for W, even though he has done that before as well. He got 40. The fall benchmark was 39. Without performing one whole section of the test, he met the benchmark.

They actually administered the primer, 1st, and 2nd grade word lists. He got 15 primer, 16 first, and 9 second grade words correct as well on the assessment, all out of 20. Cognitively my kid is all there. It's just getting it out. We are also amending his IEP for his speech goals and the accommodations to include a weighted vest.

I have to go call out sick for tomorrow. I have almost completely lost my voice and I am running a fever. When your job is completely predicated on your ability to speak, losing your voice is sort of a problem. Getting through today was a major chore.

A new Jimmy pic for you... from a recent therapy outing to McDonald's.

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