Tuesday, December 04, 2007

An odd side effect...

We have noticed something odd.  We tried Strattera for several months with Jimmy earlier this summer and fall.  We had a marked increase in his fecal fixation.  We stopped it a few weeks ago and, well, we haven't really had the problem since.  Kind of nice, I must say.  

I am getting ready to try something else in terms of medication.  I figure the upcoming Christmas break will give us the opportunity to try something new.  I just need to get into the doctor again. Anything to get him less hyper and more focused.  When he is more focused, he talks more, he is more engaged, and he is less prone to tantrums.  There is no magic pill for autism, but I am still hoping to come across a medication to help some of the more trying aspects of his behavior.

Sigh.  If there was only a magic pill...

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