Thursday, May 18, 2006


So Manassas Park Social Services called back with half of what I expected - the Medicare application was denied. Not a huge deal, since I wasn't going for that. What I am trying to get are MR waivers and then get on the list for DD waivers for when he turns six. I need respite and some help so I can get stuff done around the house. It is falling apart around me. I should qualify for the urgent waivers too because I have an extensive history of depression and, for as much as I love both of them, I am completely overwhelmed and seriously depressed. I know that. I just don't want to go back on medication again and have the side effects, gain even more weight, blah, blah, blah - although I would be keeping good company by joining the ranks of the millions of women in American on anti-depressants. Long story short, I have to go through the Community Services Board, which I tried to get help from back in October, to no avail. I couldn't even get an intake person to return my call. Am I supposed to take a day off work and just show up? What responsible member of society can afford to do that?

What I don't get is why this has to be so hard? In the past two weeks, two women that I know have had their sons diagnosed. The number of children diagnosed every day grows and there is nothing out there to help us beyond the schools. It's insane. Is this good social policy? No. It isn't even Christian. I need help with my kid. This situation is more than I can handle alone. And there is nothing.

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