Monday, May 01, 2006

Your Morning Update

Well, the school is continuing to fund us through the end of the school year for Jimmy's in-home stuff (the part that they pay for, at least.) It means that we are on our own for the summer months, which is difficult, but at least we can formulate a plan of action. Summer is when he needs the help the most, because he experiences sort of a general regression in what he learns. Most children experience that on extended breaks, but it is a little worse for Jimmy.

We have our appointment with Dr. Conlon this week. I am likely to revisit the medication issue then. There has got to be something other than Tenex to try. I will also enquire about the casein issue again. I am still afraid to do anything to Sir Skinny's diet, but I have heard from too many people about it having made a difference to not at least look at the milk. Soy is a transition, but I think we can do it. Going gluten free is the more daunting prospect!

I am six pages in to my last paper. I have to get it to Shari before I leave for revisions, so I should get back to it. More tomorrow.

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