Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Countdown

My birthday is on Saturday.  No, I am not going to tell you how old I am (a few kids asked me today at work.)  Suffices to say that I am old enough.  I am supposed to go shopping with my mom if the weather holds.  I think I have to take the kids though - I would love to have an afternoon off of them, but I don't think I will get that.  Jimmy's the healthy one at the moment.  Jacob was off school for two days after vomiting all over the doctor's office at my appointment.  In this house, the adults are on antibiotics.  I have a respiratory infection and the man has a sinus infection going on.  It's slowed his job search to a crawl - no live prospects this week.  I really want him to get something going soon.  Beginning of the year, sick, bad economy - it really is a horrible time to be looking for a job.  

Jimmy came in our bedroom doorway (he doesn't like to come into our room - a little OCD thing that makes me crazy) at 6 a.m. and kept saying "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy."  He has rarely called me that in his life.  In the past, he didn't address me in anyway.  He generally doesn't address people by name without a prompt.  Yet, he kept saying it over and over - Mommy.  It was beautiful.  

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